Without saying a word, you bring out a set of boards. Each one has something written on it which you show instead of talking. Someone is asked to think of a playing card. After some entertaining yet silent by-play, you reveal one of the most startling conclusions...
Employing a rarely used premise in magic, The Silent Treatment is an extraordinary routine that will intrigue and draw in your audience right from the very first moment, then leave them gasping at one of the most surprising and stunning revelations in magic.
The Silent Treatment can be carried in a jacket pocket, is fully self-contained and can be performed at a moment's notice. Ideal for close-up, table magic, walk around and stand-up presentations, The Silent Treatment is unlike any other routine you may perform. Easy to do, easy to understand and yet it delivers a truly magical and mind-boggling finale... all without saying a word!
TheSilent Treatment is made from high quality, hard wearing materials to ensure that you will be performing this for a long time to come...